Voices for Children, CASA of Boulder County

Change a Child’s Story.™

Become a CASA Volunteer.


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Every child deserves a safe, nurturing environment where they can thrive.

More than 2,500 children experience abuse and neglect each year in Boulder County. Over 200 are removed from their home and placed in foster care. These children are faced with a difficult path complicated by the physical, psychological, and emotional trauma they have experienced. Voices for Children, CASA of Boulder County, is here to advocate for their well-being and to change the trajectory of their lives, one child, one family, one future at a time.

We provide trained court-appointed special advocates (CASAs) to advocate for children who have experienced abuse or neglect in Boulder County. These volunteers are a consistent adult presence for a child throughout their entire child welfare case.


Changing Lives Together

Impacting the future of our community by investing in the welfare of our next generation.


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Your time and talent can help change the trajectory of a child’s life in our community.

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Your gift directly impacts the wellbeing of the most vulnerable children in Boulder County.

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We are supporting children and building a healthier community.

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Resources for Current Volunteers

We provide many resources for our volunteers.

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"As a CASA, you make a meaningful difference in a child's life - a child that doesn't have many people looking out for them."

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"Every child deserves a safe environment to grow up in, including a roof over their head, nutritious food in the belly, and an opportunity for education. I'm happy to be a part of the process by being a caring adult who can help a child receive those things."

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"There is nothing like the feeling of earning a hug from a child who is generally suspicious of everybody. It's amazing what your calm, regular, and reliable presence can do for a child in need. This is one of the most rewarding volunteer opportunities out there!"

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We’d love to hear from you, answer any questions, and hear your story. Don’t hesitate to reach out.

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Share our work with friends and family. Together, we can change even more lives.

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