
Your Impact

Impacting the future of our community by investing in the welfare of our next generation

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The child welfare crisis in Boulder County

Current census data shows that approximately 11% of families in Boulder County live below federal poverty benchmarks, and that includes thousands of children. This year, more than 200 children will be involved in a court case related to abuse and neglect or parents who cannot meet a child’s basic needs. We support these children with Court Appointed Special Advocates - trained volunteers appointed by a judge - to advocate for their best interests. These volunteers stay with each case until it is closed and the child is in a safe, permanent home. Children involved in dependency and neglect cases are more likely to have adverse childhood experiences.

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Unstable Housing

Children who experience unstable housing while growing up have an 87% likelihood of dropping out of school.

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Parental Addiction

Kids from families with addiction are more likely to perform poorly in school, have emotional and behavioral problems, and have low self-esteem.

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Mental Illness

Children living with parents with a mental illness have a higher risk of developing mental illnesses themselves.

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Domestic Violence

Children exposed to domestic violence growing up are at increased risk of being abused themselves.



Parental incarceration increases the risk of children living in poverty or experiencing household instability.


Sex Trafficking

People most vulnerable to trafficking situations may include minors who are not residing with their legal guardians.

Advocating for Children

Together, we can change the trajectory of their lives.

Our impact together

We support children who are involved in a dependency and neglect case with Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) to provide best-interest advocacy in the courtroom. These volunteers are consistent, stable adults who advocate for the children’s educational, health, and placement needs in and outside of court. The guiding vision we strive toward is for our volunteers to be prepared and confident, for our children to be supported and feel safe, and to bring awareness of the service we provide in Boulder County.


Children Served in Boulder County


Active CASAs in our community


Hours donated by volunteers

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"As a CASA, you make a meaningful difference in a child's life - a child that doesn't have many people looking out for them."

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"Every child deserves a safe environment to grow up in, including a roof over their head, nutritious food in the belly, and an opportunity for education. I'm happy to be a part of the process by being a caring adult who can help a child receive those things."

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"There is nothing like the feeling of earning a hug from a child who is generally suspicious of everybody. It's amazing what your calm, regular, and reliable presence can do for a child in need. This is one of the most rewarding volunteer opportunities out there!"

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