Resources on Native American Culture

Tools and resources, including books, articles, podcasts and more, addressing topics affecting Native-Americans

Self Paced Presentations (1 CEU each)

These two presentations offer an interactive opportunity to discover and learn about the impact on Native American Tribes and how to better understand the injustices they face.

Ted Talk (1 CEU)

  • Gregg Deal is an indigenous artist who is challenging the listener to create room for this nations First People.

Online Modules

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"As a CASA, you make a meaningful difference in a child's life - a child that doesn't have many people looking out for them."

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"Every child deserves a safe environment to grow up in, including a roof over their head, nutritious food in the belly, and an opportunity for education. I'm happy to be a part of the process by being a caring adult who can help a child receive those things."

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"There is nothing like the feeling of earning a hug from a child who is generally suspicious of everybody. It's amazing what your calm, regular, and reliable presence can do for a child in need. This is one of the most rewarding volunteer opportunities out there!"

Documentary (2 CEU)

  • Dawnland is a documentary about cultural survival and stolen children: inside the first truth and reconciliation commission for Native Americans. For additional information or to rent the film click here. This is by the Upstander Project who also has other films as well as information on becoming an Ally to Native Americans.

Websites/Links for further review

Two Spirit Identity: The term “Two Spirit” is being used by the Indigenous queer community to help them claim not just their gender identity, but their ethnic and spiritual heritage, too.

Ute Tribe Website to contact council

We Shall Remain: Addresses the effects of historical trauma in tribal communities.

NICWA (National Indian Child Welfare Association)

Native Wellness Institute

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